Kitty's Third Rescue
Believe it or not, Kitty really is an indoor cat. He just has this knack for sneaking out the door at unexpected times and making a run for it. He lives way out in the country, so once he gets out, there are real dangers out there that would scare any cat. So it is not surprising that each time Kitty has escaped, he has found himself up a tree. His owners, Austin and Erika, have tried so hard to keep him from escaping, and they have managed to keep him inside almost a year since he last escaped and climbed a tree. But Kitty is a devious boy, and he found a way to get out one more time. After Kitty escaped, Austin and Erika looked for him but could not find him. They looked in all the areas he has frequented in the past, but he was not to be found. They knew to look for him in the trees, and they called for him and listened for him to respond, but still they could not find him. They searched for him for five days with no luck, before something fortunate happened: their next d