Unknown Kitty
A bolder cat may have been able to find a way down this tree on his own, but this unknown white cat with brown and black patches was stuck. The tree had a small, vine-covered stem that leaned and curved away very badly, and the cat was settled about 20 feet high at the apex of the curve where the stem was horizontal and tangled in vines. The slope of the stem back toward the ground was not so severe that a bold cat could not have managed to come down on his own, especially with all the numerous small limbs along the way that could serve as footholds. But the vines were an impediment, and the thin, smooth bark of the tree made the footing a bit slippery, so this kitty stayed put even through a night of cold weather with a temperature in the mid-20s. It wasn't quick and easy to climb up the main tree and get within reach of the cat. His stem was not large enough to support my weight, so I had to support it with a rope connected to the main tree and then break many vines out of the wa...