Betty White

With a name like Betty White, you would expect the cat to be all white. You would also expect it to be female, but Betty White is an all-white, very large, male cat. He got his name when Ron and Sharon first discovered this feral cat and thought it was a girl. They trapped him and had him neutered and vaccinated and learned, of course, that he was a male, but by that time the name had stuck. They have continued to feed him and care for him for a few years, and when he didn't show up for his morning feeding, Ron began to look for him and found him 25 feet high in a small pecan tree in the backyard. Ron told me that Betty White is highly likely to stay away from me. He doesn't even allow Ron to get close much of the time, even after a few years of daily feeding. When I arrived, I found Betty White resting quietly in the crotch of a branch and looking very sleepy. He was exposed to the full sun on a warm day, and the pecan tree, always the ...