To climb a tree using a rope, a way is needed to get the rope up very high over a selected branch. The solution most often used is to use a big sling shot to launch a small weighted bag, called a throw-bag, over the branch. The throw-bag is attached to a light-weight string about the size of a kite string, so as the bag sails over the branch, it drags the string along with it and falls back down to the ground. The string is then attached to the climbing rope and used to pull the rope over the branch. It is a simple concept that sometimes proves to be difficult in practice. Ideally, for any rescue, I should be able to shoot the throw-bag into the tree over my selected branch one time and proceed with installing the rope, and most of the time that is exactly what happens. Sometimes, my aim may be off, or the throw-bag may get stuck, and I have to shoot it a second time. On bad days, I may have to shoot it a third or fourth or maybe even a fifth time. This background information