
Showing posts from August, 2018


Missy just happened to be at the humane society one day and noticed a litter of six kittens in the euthanasia room. The kittens were about four weeks old, very sick with severe upper respiratory and eye infections and only minutes away from being euthanized. Missy thought these kittens could be saved, so she sprung into action. She took them home with her and contacted her friend, Lori, for help. In spite of their heroic efforts, medications and syringe feedings, four of the kittens died, but Lori took the other two home with her and began to nurse them back from the brink of death. Because of the infections, the kittens had not yet been able to open their eyes, but after medication and Lori's loving care, they did at last open their eyes for the first time, and it was Lori that they saw. Lori's intention was to foster them while she nursed them back to health and then make them available for adoption, but with their numerous health problems including corneal ulcers, perman...


Rod and Melinda just recently moved all the way down to Biloxi, Mississippi from the western part of Washington state where there are numerous rescuers of cats stuck in trees from which to choose if they had needed it. But they never needed that. Just two months after they moved, however, they suddenly found themselves in need when their eight-month old orange tabby girl, Nala, climbed up high in a tree in their yard. Now they found their options very limited. The only rescuer they could find in the whole state of Mississippi was Bob Reese up in the northern part of the state, but it was too far to expect him to go all the way down to the coast for a rescue. Nevertheless, they contacted him just in case, and he referred them to me, since I was much closer. They contacted me, and I agreed to go out there the next morning, Nala's fourth day in the tree. The next morning, I left as early as I could, and, when I arrived, I met Melinda who led me to Nala. Nala was in a bad spot. She...


Anthony's mother adopted two kittens from the same litter, but Anthony and his wife, Lindsey, decided to adopt one of them from her. Both kittens were calico and looked very much alike. Later, Anthony's mother told them that she was not able to give her remaining kitten enough attention, so they took it too and named her Pumpkin. Pumpkin and her litter-mate sister settled in very nicely together in their home with Anthony and Lindsey. We're not sure what happened, but for some reason, Pumpkin climbed up the tree in her front yard and got stuck there. She had been there for only a few hours, but Anthony and Lindsey could tell she was stuck, and they were not going to allow her to stay up there any longer than necessary. So they called the fire department, and they referred them to me. I went out there as soon as I could. I found Pumpkin about 20 feet high on the first limb of the tree, and she was calling out to us below. She was only nine-months old and as cute as ...


Kym works on the board for three different charities, one of which is Pet Aid, an organization that provides spay/neuter services for pets and their owners. Kym has a very nice work space at home with a large desk facing out a large window. Her one-year old cat, Seven, loves to work there with her. Seven has her own perch to the side with a commanding view over the desk and out the window, and, like many cats, she frequently likes to walk across the desk on top of the papers and computer keyboard while Kym is working on them. Kym lovingly tolerates this because she loves her kitty. Seven came to the family just one year ago when Kym's daughter arrived home from work only to discover that a four-week old black kitten had stowed away somewhere in the car. They do not know how long the kitten had been there or where she may have first hidden in the car. Since they could not determine the kitten's origin, they kept her and gave her a very good home. When Kym asked her grandchil...