Zeek's Second Rescue

It was only two and a half weeks ago that I rescued Zeek from a tree in his backyard, but Zeek did it again. This time, he was stuck in a tree in a neighbor's yard after someone's loose dog chased him there. Fortunately, the neighbor was sympathetic and cooperative and even tried to help Zeek get down. After their efforts failed and Zeek was unable to find a way down on his own, Andy contacted me the next day. When I arrived, Andy led me to the site where I met the neighbors still working to find a way to help Zeek down. It is always such a relief to me when the property owners are cooperative and welcoming, and that was the case this time. I am always very grateful, because, otherwise, the rescue could not be done. Zeek was about 25 feet high in the first fork of the trunk of a very large tree and was very cute poking his head over the edge down below. But shortly before I arrived, he moved over to a very long limb that extended outward over some bamboo. Zeek followed t...