If there were a meter which could measure the degree to which a cat owner worries and frets about her cat when it is stuck in a tree -- let's call it a fretometer -- then Jill's reading would be in the Very High range. I get it. If I were in the same position, my fretometer reading would be even higher. My greatest reward whenever I rescue a kitty in a tree is relieving the suffering of both the cat and the owner, and, as is often the case, this owner suffered more than her cat did. So, I will just say that rescuing Handsome was very rewarding. Handsome is Jill's five-month-old Siamese kitty, and she gave him that name because he was the prettiest cat she had ever seen. Handsome managed to slip away from Jill's watchful eye, and he began to climb a tall Pine tree in the corner of the back yard. The first limb he encountered was 45 feet high, and he perched there and slowly came to the realization that he was stuck. Jill wasted no time in working to find a way to get Han...