
Sometimes I rescue a cat, and sometimes I just scare them down. Beebe was in the latter group. From what I learned about this sweet 7-year old girl beforehand, I thought there was a chance that she would be happy to see me in the tree. After all, she has been known to give strangers a friendly greeting in the past, so hopefully she would do so again. But before I even started climbing, I could tell from her cries that she was feeling a little scared. As I got higher in the tree, her fear only increased. Beebe (pronounced with two syllables) was about 30 feet high in a very large tree, and I was concerned about her climbing higher or very far out and out of reach on the very long branches. I set my climbing line almost 20 feet higher than she so that I would be better positioned if she decided to go farther away from me. I also set the climbing line on the opposite side of the tree from her so that I could climb up above her without being see...