
Showing posts from September, 2020


Kitty is a sweet, four-month-old black kitten with a few small white spots, and she got stuck in a tree in her backyard in Denham Springs. By the time I arrived to bring her down, Kitty had spent two nights in the tree, and she could not stand to be stuck up there another minute. She wanted down, and she wanted down NOW! She cried constantly and loudly to make sure the whole world heard, and the desperation in her cry was heart-breaking and painful to hear. Kitty was about 50 feet high and near the top of the tree. I installed my rope about 10 feet below her, and by the time I climbed up to her, she had come down to greet me there at that point. I did not see how she came down, but I soon learned that this little girl could not stand still. She readily made friends with me there, and I thought this was going to be an easy rescue. But before I knew it, she walked out the limb to my left and then came back and greeted me again. After a quick, unsuccessful attempt to get her to walk insid...

Ping Pong

Over these past few weeks, I have been teased with rescue calls that I never got to do because they resolved on their own before I could do anything. Today, however, I finally got my chance  to "get back in the saddle again"  when I was called to rescue an unknown orange and white cat in a Cypress tree in Dana's backyard.  From his talkative manner 30 feet high in the tree, he appeared to be a  friendly boy, but that doesn't necessarily mean he will be cooperative. As it turned out, he was cooperative but only after I had almost exhausted my patience with him. He got scared while I was installing my rope in the tree, and he went out to the end of the limb. He stayed there for a very long time while I tried to coax him to me. Just as I was about to give up and pull up the rescue pole for him, he decided to come to me based on some mysterious whim that only cats can understand. He walked right up to me, gave me a good sniff and let me pet him all over. He was a sweet b...