
Showing posts from May, 2017


I rescued Calicat once before, and that was two months ago.  I learned then that she has been stuck in a tree at least five times, so it seemed pretty likely that I would see her again.  Indeed, I did.  Calicat got stuck in a tree for her sixth time, this time, after being chased up the tree by some new dogs in the neighborhood who acted rather un-neighborly. On my first rescue of Calicat, I learned that she is very skittish, especially with strangers.  That time, she never let me get anywhere near her.  I simply got above her, and, as I came down closer to her, she climbed farther down the tree.  I didn't rescue her, rather I scared her down.  I hoped to use the same strategy this time, but that depended on the tree and her position in it.  I needed to place my rope in a position that would allow me to climb up above her without passing very close to her.  Otherwise, I would end up scaring her up  the tree. When I arrived, Toni led me to the tree where I found Calicat perc


If I don't have a cat to rescue at least once per week, I start getting withdrawal symptoms.  My cat rescue schedule is wildly random, and slumps are inevitable.  This time, my slump was just extending past the three-week mark, when it finally ended with a call from Sarah.  Sarah's cat, Binx, was stuck in a tree in the next-door neighbor's back yard, and she called to see if I could help her even though she was located in Mandeville, an 80-minute drive from me.  Well, of course, I can help, and I will be there just as quickly as I can. Binx is a two year old, black and white boy, and he had been stuck in the neighbor's tree only one night.  When I arrived, I found him just under 30 feet high in a large pine tree.  Sarah had already told me that Binx is likely to run from a stranger when he gets too close, so I was not expecting him to let me get very close either.  Consequently, I prepared the net and rescue pole for use while hoping I would not need them. I s