Mosh is only eight months old, and already she has had a lot of bad luck. Her owners first found her hiding in their shed where she was suffering with a terrible eye injury and infection. We don't know what happened to her eye, but it was probably the result of a fight. However it happened, she needed veterinary care, so off to the vet they went only to learn that the eye would need to be surgically removed. While Mosh had some bad luck in losing an eye so early in life, she certainly had some good luck in that she found some very nice people who not only cared for her, but adopted her as their own as well. Her bad luck continued, however, when she got stuck 40 feet high in a tallow tree with an injured front leg. When she stood, she held that leg up presumably because it was painful to put weight on it. When she was resting, she would let that leg dangle below. When I got the call about her and heard her story, I wanted to go there as soon ...