
At the insistence of her four-year old children, Mary Jo adopted a cute, orange-tabby kitten and brought him into their home. They named him Francis, and this sweet, playful fur-ball settled in very nicely. Five years later, the family moved from their home in Texas to Baton Rouge, and, of course, Francis came too. Unfortunately, Francis escaped out of his new house and got lost in this strange, new land. The family searched for him for a very long time but could not find him. Three months later, while taking a walk in the neighborhood, Mary Jo saw him in the driveway of a home a half mile away. She couldn't believe her eyes. She talked to the woman who lived there and learned that Francis just appeared there some three months ago, and the woman kindly took care of him and gave him a place to call his own. Mary Jo took him back home with her and reunited him with the family, and Francis settled in and gave them no more trouble. Unt...