
Hurricane Harvey brought devastation to Texas, but fortunately for Baton Rouge, all we got was frequent rain for several days. It was when Harvey weakened to a tropical storm and began making its way up the western part of Louisiana that I got a message about a cat found in a tree in a swamp near Sorrento. A bird-watcher had been out looking for birds on a rural road through a swamp when he heard the cry of a cat coming from the trees. This kind soul spotted the cat and reported his sighting along with pictures and location information to CARA's House, the local animal shelter nearby. The shelter forwarded the pictures and report to me and asked if I could help. Harvey was causing intermittent showers in the Baton Rouge area, but it was generally mild enough that it would not prevent a rescue. But I was not sure how I was going to handle this rescue. The pictures I saw showed standing water in front of the trees, but I co...