It sounded like this was going to be a quick and easy rescue. A friendly cat only 15 feet high -- yep, this would be routine. But then I arrived there and saw that the cat was in a very dead tree. This tree was not safe to climb, and there were no other trees close by that I could climb. Still, it should go quickly if I give the cat a ramp to walk down. The cat's name is Gizzy, and he belongs to Kayla's family. Gizzy is a six-month old Russian Blue male cat, and he always comes inside at dark. Last night, however, he could not be found and the family worried about him. The next morning, they found him in the next-door neighbor's dead tree, and after the children failed to get him down themselves, Kayla called Animal Control who referred her to me. I set up the ramp with difficulty. It isn't easy to even hold a heavy, 22-foot long, carpet-covered 2x4, much less maneuver it with any finesse. Fortunately, Trenden, Kayla's son, was...