Sam and Starla live with four cats in a very rural area near Brookhaven, Mississippi. One of these cats is a mostly-black female which they adopted from a neighbor and named Bella. Bella has some small white patches on her chest and belly and is just over two years old. We don't know what happened, but for whatever reason, Bella climbed a pine tree down the road and got stuck, and it took a day for Sam to find her. Sam called a local animal welfare organization that happened to have a flyer on their bulletin board for the only cat-in-tree rescuer in the whole state of Mississippi, Bob Reese. Sam called Bob, but Bob was a three-hour drive away, and by the time he got there, it would be getting dark. Bob is a good friend of mine, so he called me to see if I would be interested in handling this case, especially since it would be only a two-hour drive for me. I accepted, quickly packed up and rushed out the door. When I arrived, I met Sam, and he took me down the road a bit