
Leo is a one and a half year old orange and white cat that lives with Karen and Justin. Leo went around the corner into the backyard of a neighbor and, for whatever reason, climbed the very large oak tree there where he got stuck. It took a day before Karen and Justin found him, and when they did, they called me to see if I could get Leo down. It was late in the afternoon, but since he was described as a friendly cat, even to strangers, I thought this would be a quick rescue and decided to go on out there right away. When I arrived, I found Leo about 35 feet high in a very tall and large water oak tree with very large branches. Leo was crying for help. With a friendly cat and a tree that is easy to climb, this rescue should go very quickly. I used my big sling-shot to shoot a weighted bag attached to a string up into the tree above Leo. I would use this string to pull my climbing rope into position. As soon as I did this, however, Leo's ...