Momma Catz and Unknown Jumper

There were only two kitties in need of rescue this week. The first was Momma Catz in Erwinville, Louisiana who got stuck in a River Birch tree across the street and was very distressed about it. Her owner, Hannah, however, was even more distressed. Momma Catz had been stuck only one night, but that was far too long for both of them. I can't say that Momma Catz was particularly happy to see me in the tree with her, but she didn't try to get away from me either. She stayed in that crotch facing away from me and would not turn around to face me. I petted her and she seemed to tolerate it well enough. To pull her out of that crotch, I had to grab her by the scruff to lift her and then pull the bag around her. She and Hannah were mightily relieved and happy to be back home again. The next rescue was for an unknown, orange-and-white cat who has been making irregular but frequent appearances at Nicole's rural home near Livingston, Louisiana for the past several months. He -- or is...