You can't see her in this picture because of the foliage, but, even if the foliage were not there, it would still be difficult to see her, because her tortie colors blend with the tree so well. But the red circle marks the spot where I found a sweet, little angel. This eight-month-old, long-hair beauty with the un-angelic name of Scrounge was stuck in this tree in Baker, Louisiana for four nights, and she was so ready for rescue and so trusting of me that this was my quickest rescue ever. She came to me as soon as I appeared at her branch, and she needed no introductions or sniff of my hand. I rushed to spread the cat bag over my lap, and then all I had to do was pick up this docile tiny ball of fluff, place her on my lap, spend a few seconds visiting with her, and then pull the bag up around her. She was trusting, gentle, and relaxed the whole time. She is now safe and comfortable in her loving home, and I am still glowing from the joy of meeting her and rescuing her. The total time required to arrive, assess, set up, pack up and say goodbye: 45 minutes. Total time required for the rescue: 45 seconds.