Simon's Third Rescue
Simon has an addiction to trees. He is only ten months old and has already been stuck in a tree six times. His family managed to rescue him themselves three of those times, and I rescued him the other three times. Before you get upset with the family for allowing this to happen, you need to understand that they are doing all they can to prevent this. They keep him inside all the time despite his persistent complaints, but he is adept at dashing out the door whenever he sees an opening. Once he gets outside, he heads for the trees.
I love rescuing Simon because he is a lovable, sweet boy and is always happy to see me and as cooperative as he can be with me. This third time was no exception. All I need to do is climb up near him, and I can expect him to come as close as he can to meet me. We're friends without any introduction, and he lets me rescue him in whatever way I decide. This time, I needed him to walk into a carrier, and that's exactly what he did. He was only 25 feet high, so the rescue was over easily and quickly. I wish they were all like this.